5 Tips for Tired Parents
“It’s been a hard day’s night,” sang the Beatles...and tired parents get it! Having kids fed, dressed and out the door by 7.30/8 am can feel like a day’s worth of work.
And what if your sleep is interrupted? It’s hard to draw on depleted energy reserves day after day, look after your family AND prioritise your own health and fitness.
So here we have 5 tips to help you build your energy reserves and create some balance in your everyday life.
5 reasons September is THE month to set smart goals you’ll stick to
As we all know, most people use January to set themselves new goals. Whilst this makes sense as January symbolizes a fresh start and a new year, September may in fact be a better time to set goals. September is the start of a new academic year, a new season, and to me is a great time to set goals as we haven’t quite hit the darker colder days yet and therefore I am more likely to build better habits in autumn than in the depths of winter.
Weight loss is not a cure-all solution!
Many diets often focus their attention purely on numbers on a scale, with no consideration -and potentially at the expense- of your overall heal or psychological wellbeing. I am nearly a decade deep working in the fitness industry and to this day, the speed the diet industry churns out brand new ways of trying to extract money from you is pretty impressive!
Stress Awareness Month
I am sure we are all no strangers to stress and with April being stress awareness month, I thought I would get a blog post out about stress and how certain healthful habits can help us manage our stress and the impact it has on our health. Talking about stress and its effects are so important and I think the effects that too much stress can have on someone have been grossly underestimated. Stress can impact ones mental, physical and emotional wellbeing and it is important to be able to talk about stress.