A crunch a day won't keep the Belly Fat away
When it comes to exercise and training, one of the more common desires and goals that we come across as trainers is that of a ‘flat stomach’, or to get rid of some of the fat around the belly. People often ask us what exercises they can do to get rid of the fat on their stomach, and one of the top google searches when you type in the word ‘exercises’ is; “exercises to lose belly fat.” We understand and appreciate this is something that lots of people want, and having excess fat on your belly can make you feel uncomfortable. However, it isn’t as simple as exercising it away - as the title of this blog suggests.
Why it's best to ease back into the gym...
I’m sure many of you are as excited as we are that gyms are able to open in Switzerland again this week - and have also opened again recently in countries such as the UK as well! The temptation for many of you will be to try and make up for ‘lost time’ after a few months away, but let me explain why that is not a good idea, and why it’s not necessary either…
Why you (probably) don't need to take all the supplements that you do!
Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Turmeric, Glutamine… the list goes on and on. The number of different supplements that you can buy and consume is enormous - and you could easily fall into the trap of believing you actually need to take all of them in order to be ‘healthy’. However, most supplements you take are likely providing no benefit to your health whatsoever - meaning all you are actually doing is wasting your mon
Does your metabolism really slow down as you age?
It’s a widely-accepted idea that as you get older, your metabolism slows down, and therefore the amount of calories you ‘can’ eat therefore decreases. You often hear people talk about how they could eat whatever they wanted, but as soon as they ‘hit 30’, they just couldn’t get away with it anymore. Or that a diet that worked for someone in their 30s no longer works for them in their 50s. Now, the numbers will change based on who you talk to, but the basic idea is always, as you get older, your metabolism naturally slows down, and that’s why it becomes so much harder to lose weight or stay in shape.
Why Wanting to Lose Weight isn't (always) a Bad Thing!
In recent years, dieting has been shown in a pretty bad light. With the increase in the amount of fad diets going around, pressures on having a certain body shape or size and the increasing prevalence of eating disorders, it’s understandable why people have pushed back on some of these harmful ideas, and unhealthy dieting culture. However, it’s important that we don’t ‘over-correct’ and start demonising all dieting or attempts to lose weight. Even though there are some ideas and concepts we definitely don’t want to perpetuate, the act of losing weight, or even just attempting to, can be one of the best (and healthiest) things an individual can do.
Why you should (probably) stop weighing yourself.
The scales: just the mere mention of them is probably something that will fill many of you reading this with a feeling of dread. They are an object that many of us have a love/hate relationship with, or in some cases, just simply a relationship of pure hate. Are they, objectively speaking, bad? Of course not - and for lots of people it’s a good thing to weight themselves regularly and track their weight. It helps them to stay accountable and measure their progress. To these people I say; go ahead, keep at it. However, they’re not the ones I’m writing this blog for, and I’d hazard a guess they’re probably not the ones who are reading it right now, either…
How much protein do we actually need?
The majority of the food that we consume is made up of our 3 macronutrients: Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates. After we have our overall calorie intake in check (ie. in line with our desired goals/outcomes, our macros are our next port of call - ensuring that we are getting the ‘right’ amounts of each.
Why Having a Personal Trainer will Give you Better Results
If you are working towards a specific health and fitness goal, or simply would like to, I can almost guarantee that you will get better results, or at least reach your goal more quickly, if you work with a good coach or trainer. Having a Personal Trainer is obviously a discretionary service - it is not for everyone, and nor is it necessary for everyone to have a trainer - but if you have the capacity to hire a coach/trainer, I would strongly recommend you do.
Myths About Zoom Training
Since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic last year, all of us have become more than a little familiar with video conferencing software - notably (for us at least) Zoom. Our entire business has, at times, had to become a purely ‘online’ enterprise, with all of our sessions and classes having to be delivered via Zoom. While I’m sure we all tire of our whole lives running through a computer screen at times, the technology has been a vital lifeline for many businesses and individuals
Benefits of resistance training
Lifting weights, strength training, pumping iron - these are all terms which, more often than not, are used to describe resistance training. Now, resistance training is a broad term - it covers a vast amount of different forms and types of exercise, performed by all different types of people. It doesn’t have to mean lifting very heavy weights, or performing olympic lifts, or even going to the gym at all.